Engagement Session Full Of Love by Julia Franzosa Photography


From Julia Franzosa Photography:

Tyler and Rio first met at a fourth of July party through mutual friends. It was as close to love at first sight as it gets. They fell in love in Santa Barbara but got to know each other in Chicago. Tyler, a chef, was offered a job halfway across the country and Rio agreed to go with him. Over the next few years as Tyler was honing his skills as a chef and rio was working on her craft as an artist, you could tell they were growing together as one.

They are both local to the Santa Barbara area. Tyler grew up in town diving and surfing and Rio grew up in Carpinteria spending endless days at the beach. We met at one of their favorite spots in Montecito and had a session filled with love and laughter - the best kind!!

Location: Montecito | Photographer: Julia Franzosa Photography


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