The Most Common Mistakes When Choosing Your Diamond Engagement Ring


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Getting engaged is one of the most special and memorable moments of a person's life, and so is the amazing ring that comes along with it! Something a lot of couples are choosing to do in this modern era of engagement is waiting to select a ring together to make absolutely sure that it is going to be something that both the proposer and the 'proposee' are in love with. The last thing that you want to happen on either end of the spectrum is propose with a ring that you're not sure is the 'the one' or be proposed to with a ring that deep down you really don't like! To help eliminate these issues, sensible couples are now making that decision together, so here are some of the most common mistakes to avoid when choosing your perfect diamond engagement ring.

Photo by Colin Maynard on Unsplash

Avoid Temporary Trends

In the world of jewelry there is always a handful of trends doing the rounds at any given time, but you need to remember that trends are temporary and won't last forever. What you should be doing is finding an engagement ring that will stand the test of time and be a timeless thing of beauty, and you can do that by doing the simple things like opting for a classic shape, getting a good grade color, and adhering to things like the diamond clarity guide. Don't be sucked into choosing a ring that is cool now, but certainly won't be in five years' time!

Photo by Jose Martinez on Unsplash

Does Size Really Matter?

You want your engagement ring to be a special piece of jewelry to cherish for the rest of your life, but does that mean that it has to be the biggest stone available? A lot of people get suckered into the belief that the bigger the diamond, the better the quality, but this simply isn't true. Some bigger diamonds can have many more imperfections and problems, so concentrate more on the color and the clarity of a stone rather than its sheer size. Believe us when we say that the sparklier diamond always gets more compliments that the bigger, duller one.

Consider the Setting as Well

The sight of a naked, beautiful diamond can often be something that hypnotizes customers, but it is incredibly important to also consider the setting of the stone at the same time. Think of the stone as a centerpiece in a much larger arrangement, and that is a way to make you see that the setting and the band mean just as much the diamond itself. It can often be worth paying a little less for a diamond in order to elevate the quality of the setting it is going with.

Photo by Andre Jackson on Unsplash

Don’t be Afraid to be Unique

One of the biggest regrets that some fiancés have that they would never tell anyone is that their engagement ring is just, well, boring! Don't feel as though you need to stick to rigid rules when it comes to things like size and shape. Do what works best for you and your personality.

Main Image Courtesy of: Kelsey Crews Photography


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