When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with someone, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible.
— When Harry Met Sally

Happy National Proposal Day! Today we celebrate romantic proposals of all kinds. And, what better day is there for a proposal than the first day of spring as we shake off the winter blues and welcome in a new season of sunshine and love.

We hope you enjoy this little roundup of what’s coming next after popping the BIG QUESTION - a fabulous engagement session with your favorite photographer, of course. Cheers to the start of many new journeys!

Photo 1: Chris J. Evans | Photo 2: Julia Franzosa | Photo 3: Michelle Ramirez | Photo 4: ByCherry Photography | Photo 5: Grace Kathryn Photography


Moments Monday: Sneaking Away Together


Pink and Green Wedding with an Elegantly Draped Tent