Santa Barbara Wedding Style

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Podcast Episode 41 - Michelle Ramirez Photography

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Podcast Episode 41 - Michelle Ramirez Photography Zohe Felici

In this first episode of 2022, we are talking with talented photographer, Michelle Ramirez who will share with us what this year will look like, and how wedding pros should handle it. What are bookings looking like into 2022-2024.

Podcasting from the American Riviera, one of the top wedding locations in the world, this is Santa Barbara Wedding Style. We are so excited about #SharingLoveInSB, if you're looking for more inspiration find us at

We will also be talking about proposals and get Michelle's take on why this should be a captured moment of time. -

Quail Ranch doing engagement and wedding -

Michelle also shares engagement sessions and we share some cute ideas and unique locations to have your engagement shoot...and why a capable creative photographer will make all the difference when it is 'just the three of you'. - we will be featuring the couple who eloped in Tahoe

- Ventura Engagement Shoot

We take a deep dive into styled shoots and why it is essential that creatives sharpen the saw with these opportunities. - California Dream Styled Shoot


Episode written by Zohe Felici. Music by Delgarma.


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