Podcast Episode 49 - Renoda Campbell Photography


Our guest today is a photojournalistic storyteller who captures honest emotions, highlights couple's vision, and preserves it through images. Renoda Campbell is an ally for Marriage Equality and highlights diverse clients in her images.

We're about to find out exactly why Renoda claims herself to be an activist with a camera Documenting Diverse Love Stories, please join me in welcoming Renoda Campbell of Renoda Campbell Photography!

Renoda Campbell, the photographer behind the lens.

Filipino Buddhist wedding

Family centered wedding

Bi-cultural & Inter-faith “worldly” wedding

Modern Beach Vow Renewal

Proposal at Halter Ranch

Ethereal LGBTQ couple

Find Renoda at

Renoda Campbell | Santa Barbara Wedding Photographer

and on Tiktok

Thank you so much for joining me, and be sure to keep up with our daily blog posts bringing you inspiration and tips, www.santabarbarawedding.com

Podcasting from the American Riviera, one of the top wedding locations in the world, this is Santa Barbara Wedding Style. We are so excited about #SharingLoveInSB, if you're looking for more inspiration find us at www.santabarbarawedding.com or on our TikTok channel www.tiktok.com/@sbweddingstyle Enjoy!

Episode written by Zohe Felici. Music by Delgarma.


Podcast Episode 50 - Inside Destination Wedding Planning with Brooke Baker


Podcast Episode 48 - 5 Wedding Planning Mistakes to Avoid in Today's Wedding Boom